Malak Alaa Eddine, Alain Carvalho, M. Schmutz, Thomas Salez, Sixtine de Chateauneuf-Randon, Bruno Bresson, Nadège Pantoustier, C. Monteux, S. Belbekhouche
Soft Matter, 2024, 20, pp.5367
We explore the effect of poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) molar mass on the intrinsic permeability and s .....
Eulalie Lafarge, Carlos Marques, M. Schmutz, Pierre Muller, Andre Schroder
Biophysical Approaches for the Study of Membrane Structure - Part A: Experimental, 700, Elsevier, pp.329-348, 2024, Methods in Enzymology, ⟨10.1016/bs.mie.2024.02.008⟩
Jennifer Rodon Fores, Miryam Criado Gonzalez, Alain Chaumont, Alain Carvalho, Christian Blanck, Marc Schmutz, Fouzia Boulmedais, Pierre Schaaf, Loïc Jierry
Jennifer Rodon Fores, Miryam Criado-Gonzalez, Alain Chaumont, Alain Carvalho, Christian Blanck, Marc Schmutz, Fouzia Boulmedais, Pierre Schaaf, Loïc Jierry
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59 (34), pp.14558-14563. ⟨10.1002/anie.202005377⟩
Abstract Autocatalysis and self‐assembly are key processes in developmental biology and are involv .....
Marcio Nogueira, Salma Ben-Harb, Marc Schmutz, Bertrand Doumert, Sarah Nasser, Antoine Derensy, Romdhane Karoui, Guillaume Delaplace, Paulo P.S. Peixoto
Jennifer Rodon Fores, Miryam Criado-Gonzalez, Alain Chaumont, Alain Carvalho, Christian Blanck, Marc Schmutz, Fouzia Boulmedais, Pierre Schaaf, Loïc Jierry
Miryam Criado-Gonzalez, Déborah Wagner, Jennifer Rodon Fores, Christian Blanck, Marc Schmutz, Alain Chaumont, Morgane Rabineau, Joseph B Schlenoff, Guillaume Fleith, Jérôme Combet, Pierre Schaaf, Loïc Jierry, Fouzia Boulmedais
Miryam Criado-Gonzalez, Jennifer Rodon Fores, Alain Carvalho, Christian Blanck, Marc Schmutz, Leyla Kocgozlu, Pierre Schaaf, Loïc Jierry, Fouzia Boulmedais
Miryam Criado Gonzalez, Jennifer Rodon Fores, Déborah Wagner, Andre Schroder, Alain Carvalho, Marc Schmutz, Eva Harth, Pierre Schaaf, Loic Jierry, Fouzia Boulmedais
Jennifer Rodon Fores, Miguel Leonardo Martinez Mendez, Xiyu Mao, Déborah Wagner, Marc Schmutz, Morgane Rabineau, Philippe Lavalle, Pierre Schaaf, Fouzia Boulmedais, Loïc Jierry, Jennifer Rodon fores, Miguel Leonardo Martinez mendez
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56 (50), pp.15984-15988. ⟨10.1002/anie.201709029⟩
Electrodes are ideal substrates for surface localized self-assembly processes. Spatiotemporal contro .....
Cécile Vigier-Carrière, Déborah Wagner, Alain Chaumont, Baptiste Durr, Paolo Lupattelli, Christophe Lambour, Marc Schmutz, Joseph Hemmerlé, Bernard Senger, Pierre Schaaf, Fouzia Boulmedais, Loïc Jierry
Mohamed Fathy Attia, Sidy M. Dieng, Mayeul Collot, Andrey S. Klymchenko, Caroline Bouillot, Christophe A. Serra, Marc Schmutz, Meriem Er-Rafik, Thierry F. Vandamme, Nicolas Anton
T. P. Tuyen Dao, Annie Brûlet, Fabio Fernandes, Meriem Er-Rafik, Khalid Ferji, Jean-Paul Chapel, Ralf Schweins, Alexander Fedorov, Marc Schmutz, Manuel Prieto, Olivier Sandre, Jean-François Le Meins
Ikram Ullah Khan, Christophe Serra, Nicolas Anton, Meriem Rafik, Christian Blanck, M. Schmutz, Isabelle Kraus, Nadia Messaddeq, Christophe Sutter, Halina Anton, Andrey S Klymchenko, Thierry F. Vandamme
Christophe A. Serra, Ikram Ullah Khan, Zhenqi Chang, Michel Bouquey, Rene Muller, Isabelle Kraus, Marc Schmutz, Thierry Vandamme, Nicolas Anton, Christian Ohm, Rudolf Zentel, Andrea Knauer, Michael Koehler
Weinbach, Q.; Hmili, N.; Gottis, E.; Fleith, G.; Combet, J.; Papaefthimiou, V.; Malesys, V.; Denys, E.; Simon, L.; Schmutz, M.; Carvalho, A.; Constantin, D.; Biniek, L. (2023), Tailoring the 3D porous structure of conducting PEDOT:PSS gels _via_ ice-templating,Journal Of Materials Chemistry C,11(23) : 7802-7816 link
Laval, H.; Holmes, A.; Marcus, M.A.A.; Watts, B.; Bonfante, G.; Schmutz, M.; Deniau, E.; Szymanski, R.; Lartigau-Dagron, C.; Xu, X.; Cairney, J.M.M.; Hirakawa, K.; Awai, F.; Kubo, T.; Wantz, G.; Bousquet, A.; Holmes, N.P.P.; Chambon, S. (2023), Toward High Efficiency Water Processed Organic Photovoltaics: Controlling the Nanoparticle Morphology with Surface Energies,Advanced Energy Materials,() : link
Bigo-Simon, A.; Fores, J.R.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Blandin, L.; Runser, J.-Y.; Senger, B.; Fleith, G.; Schmutz, M.; Schurhammer, R.; Chaumont, A.; Schaaf, P.; Combet, J.Ä.rome; Jierry, L.€c (2023), Mechanistic Insights into Hyaluronic Acid Induced Peptide Nanofiber Organization in Supramolecular Hydrogels,Biomacromolecules,24(8) : 3794-3805 link
Savin, R.; Benzaamia, N.-O.; Njel, C.; Pronkin, S.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Boulmedais, F. (2022), Nanohybrid biosensor based on mussel-inspired electro-cross-linking of tannic acid capped gold nanoparticles and enzymes,Materials Advances,3(4) : 2222-2233 link
Er-Rafik, M.; Ferji, K.; Combet, J.; Sandre, O.; Lecommandoux, S.; Schmutz, M.; Le Meins, J.-F.; Marques, C.M. (2022), Tear of lipid membranes by nanoparticles,Soft Matter,18(17) : 3318-3322 link
Zizzari, A.; Bloise, E.; Perrone, E.; Perinelli, D.R.; Schmutz, M.; Arima, V.; Mele, G.; Carbone, L. (2022), Environmentally Friendly Method of Assembly of Cardanol and Cholesterol into Nanostructures Using a Continuous Flow Microfluidic Device,Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,10(26) : 8484-8494 link
Le, C.M.Q.; Schmutz, M.; Chemtob, A. (2022), Effect of surfactant concentration and monomer polarity on particle nucleation in emulsion step polymerization of dithiol with diene,Colloid And Polymer Science,300(8) : 917-925 link
Holmes, A.; Laval, H.; Schmutz, M.; Blanc, S.; Allouche, J.; Watts, B.; Wantz, G.; Holmes, N.P.; Hirakawa, K.; Deniau, E.; Chambon, S.; Lartigau-Dagron, C.; Bousquet, A. (2022), Janus organic semiconductor nanoparticles prepared by simple nanoprecipitation,Materials Today Chemistry,26() : link
Vauthier, M.; Schmutz, M.; Serra, C.A. (2021), One-step elaboration of Janus polymeric nanoparticles: A comparative study of different emulsification processes,Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects,626() : link
Laquerbe, S.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Poirier, A.; Baccile, N.; Ben Messaoud, G. (2021), pH-switchable pickering emulsions stabilized by polyelectrolyte-biosurfactant complex coacervate colloids,Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science,600() : 23-36 link
Rodon Fores, J.; Bigo-Simon, A.; Wagner, D.; Payrastre, M.; Damestoy, C.; Blandin, L.; Boulmedais, F.; Kelber, J.; Schmutz, M.; Rabineau, M.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2021), Localized Enzyme-Assisted Self-Assembly in the Presence of Hyaluronic Acid for Hybrid Supramolecular Hydrogel Coating,Polymers,13(11) : link
Boudiaf, M.; Messai, Y.; Bentouhami, E.; Schmutz, M.; Blanck, C.; Ruhlmann, L.; Bezzi, H.; Tairi, L.; Mekki, D.E. (2021), Green synthesis of NiO nanoparticles using Nigella sativa extract and their enhanced electro-catalytic activity for the 4-nitrophenol degradation,Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids,153() : link
Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Wagner, D.; Iqbal, M.H.; Ontani, A.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Schlenoff, J.B.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2021), Supramolecular tripeptide self-assembly initiated at the surface of coacervates by polyelectrolyte exchange,Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science,588() : 580-588 link
Le, C.M.Q.; Vidal, L.; Schmutz, M.; Chemtob, A. (2021), Droplet nucleation in miniemulsion thiol-ene step photopolymerization,Polymer Chemistry,12(14) : 2084-2094 link
Fauquignon, M.; Courtecuisse, E.; Josselin, R.; Mutschler, A.; Brulet, A.; Schmutz, M.; Le Meins, J.-F. (2021), Large hybrid Polymer/Lipid Unilamellar vesicle (LHUV) at the nanoscale: An insight into the lipid distribution in the membrane and permeability control,Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science,604() : 575-583 link
Le, C.M.Q.; Schmutz, M.; Chemtob, A. (2020), Ab Initio Batch Emulsion Thiol-Ene Photopolymerization,Macromolecules,53(7) : 2369-2379 link
Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Wagner, D.; Fores, J.R.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Chaumont, A.; Rabineau, M.; Schlenoff, J.B.; Fleith, G.; Combet, J.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2020), Supramolecular Hydrogel Induced by Electrostatic Interactions between Polycation and Phosphorylated-Fmoc-Tripeptide,Chemistry Of Materials,32(5) : 1946-1956 link
Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Iqbal, M.H.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Jierry, L.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F. (2020), Surface Triggered Self-Assembly of Fmoc-Tripeptide as an Antibacterial Coating,Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology,8() : link
Beniazza, R.; Bayo, N.; Jardel, D.; Rust, R.; Mao, B.; Divoux, T.; Schmutz, M.; Castet, F.; Raffy, G.; Del Guerzo, A.; McClenaghan, N.D.; Buffeteau, T.; Vincent, J.-M. (2020), A fluorous sodiuml-prolinate derivative as low molecular weight gelator for perfluorocarbons,Chemical Communications,56(61) : 8655-8658 link
Tkachenko, V.; Vidal, L.; Josien, L.; Schmutz, M.; Poly, J.; Chemtob, A. (2020), Characterizing the Core-Shell Architecture of Block Copolymer Nanoparticles with Electron Microscopy: A Multi-Technique Approach,Polymers,12(8) : link
Rodon Fores, J.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Chaumont, A.; Carvalho, A.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2020), Autonomous Growth of a Spatially Localized Supramolecular Hydrogel with Autocatalytic Ability,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,59(34) : 14558-14563 link
Zapien-Castillo, S.; Diaz-Zavala, N.P.; Melo-Banda, J.A.; Schwaller, D.; Lamps, J.-P.; Schmutz, M.; Combet, J.; Mesini, P.J. (2020), Structure of Nanotubes Self-Assembled from a Monoamide Organogelator,International Journal Of Molecular Sciences,21(14) : link
Nogueira, M.H.; Ben-Harb, S.; Schmutz, M.; Doumert, B.; Nasser, S.; Derensy, A.; Karoui, R.; Delaplace, G.; Peixoto, P.P.S. (2020), Multiscale quantitative characterization of demineralized casein micelles: How the partial excision of nano-clusters leads to the aggregation during rehydration,Food Hydrocolloids,105() : link
Boulkroune, R.; Sebais, M.; Messai, Y.; Bourzami, R.; Schmutz, M.; Blanck, C.; Halimi, O.; Boudine, B. (2019), Hydrothermal synthesis of strontium-doped ZnS nanoparticles: structural, electronic and photocatalytic investigations,Bulletin Of Materials Science,42(5) : link
Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Fores, J.R.; Carvalho, A.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Kocgozlu, L.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2019), Phase Separation in Supramolecular Hydrogels Based on Peptide Self-Assembly from Enzyme-Coated Nanoparticles,Langmuir,35(33) : 10838-10845 link
Fores, J.R.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Schmutz, M.; Blanck, C.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2019), Protein-induced low molecular weight hydrogelator self-assembly through a self-sustaining process,Chemical Science,10(18) : 4761-4766 link
Mukherji, D.; Watson, M.D.; Morsbach, S.; Schmutz, M.; Wagner, M.; Marques, C.M.; Kremer, K. (2019), Soft and Smart: Co-nonsolvency-Based Design of Multiresponsive Copolymers,Macromolecules,52(9) : 3471-3478 link
Zoukal, Z.; Elhasri, S.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Collin, D.; Vakayil, P.K.; Ajayaghosh, A.; Guenet, J.-M. (2019), Hybrid Materials from Poly(vinyl chloride) and Organogels,Acs Applied Polymer Materials,1(5) : 1203-1208 link
Bouis, D.; Kirstetter, P.; Arbogast, F.; Lamon, D.; Delgado, V.; Jung, S.; Ebel, C.; Jacobs, H.; Knapp, A.-M.; Jeremiah, N.; Belot, A.; Martin, T.; Crow, Y.J.; Andre-Schmutz, I.; Korganow, A.-S.; Rieux-Laucat, F.; Soulas-Sprauel, P. (2019), Severe combined immunodeficiency in stimulator of interferon genes (STING) V154M/wild-type mice,Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology,143(2) : 712 link
Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Rodon Fores, J.; Wagner, D.; Schroder, A.P.; Carvalho, A.; Schmutz, M.; Harth, E.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L.; Boulmedais, F. (2019), Enzyme-assisted self-assembly within a hydrogel induced by peptide diffusion,Chemical Communications,55(8) : 1156-1159 link
Yu, W.; Visaveliya, N.; Serra, C.A.; Koehler, J.M.; Ding, S.; Bouquey, M.; Muller, R.; Schmutz, M.; Kraus, I. (2019), Preparation and Deep Characterization of Composite/Hybrid Multi-Scale and Multi-Domain Polymeric Microparticles,Materials,12(23) : link
Fauquignon, M.; Ibarboure, E.; Carlotti, S.; Brulet, A.; Schmutz, M.; Le Meins, J.-F. (2019), Large and Giant Unilamellar Vesicle(s) Obtained by Self-Assembly of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) Diblock Copolymers, Membrane Properties and Preliminary Investigation of Their Ability to Form Hybrid Polymer/Lipid Vesicles,Polymers,11(12) : link
Ramirez, L.M.F.; Babin, J.; Boudier, A.; Gaucher, C.; Schmutz, M.; Er-Rafik, M.; Durand, A.; Six, J.-L.; Nouvel, C. (2019), First multi-reactive polysaccharide-based transurf to produce potentially biocompatible dextran-covered nanocapsules,Carbohydrate Polymers,224() : link
Fores, J.R.; Criado-Gonzalez, M.; Chaumont, A.; Carvalho, A.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Serra, C.A.; Boulmedais, F.; Schaaf, P.; Jierry, L. (2019), Supported Catalytically Active Supramolecular Hydrogels for Continuous Flow Chemistry,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,58(52) : 18817-18822 link
Beltran, F.; Vela-Gonzalez, A.V.; Knaub, T.; Schmutz, M.; Krafft, M.P.; Miesch, L. (2019), Surfactant Micelles Enable Metal-Free Spirocyclization of Keto-Ynamides and Access to Aza-Spiro Scaffolds in Aqueous Media,European Journal Of Organic Chemistry,2019(41) : 6989-6993 link
Liu, X.; Contal, C.; Schmutz, M.; Krafft, M.P. (2018), Two-Dimensional Radial or Ring-Banded Nonbirefringent Spherulites of Semifluorinated Alkanes Coexistent with Close-Packed Self-Assembled Surface Nanodomains,Langmuir,34(50) : 15126-15133 link
Ramirez, L.M.F.; Babin, J.; Schmutz, M.; Durand, A.; Six, J.-L.; Nouvel, C. (2018), Multi-reactive surfactant and miniemulsion Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization: An elegant controlled one-step way to obtain dextran-covered nanocapsules,European Polymer Journal,109() : 317-325 link
Biniek, L.; Hamidi-Sakr, A.; Grodd, L.; Escoubas, S.; Dappe, Y.J.; Grigorian, S.; Schmutz, M.; Brinkmann, M. (2018), Structure and Charge Transport Anisotropy of Polythieno-[3,4-b]-Thiophene-co-Benzodithiophene (PTB7) Oriented by High-Temperature Rubbing,Advanced Electronic Materials,4(10, Si) : link
Kluzek, M.; Schmutz, M.; Marques, C.M.; Thalmann, F. (2018), Kinetic evolution of DOPC lipid bilayers exposed to alpha-cyclodextrins,Soft Matter,14(28) : 5800-5810 link
Ding, S.; Attia, M.F.; Wallyn, J.; Taddei, C.; Serra, C.A.; Anton, N.; Kassem, M.; Schmutz, M.; Er-Rafik, M.; Messaddeq, N.; Collard, A.; Yu, W.; Giordano, M.; Vandamme, T.F. (2018), Microfluidic-Assisted Production of Size-Controlled Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles-Loaded Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanohybrids,Langmuir,34(5) : 1981-1991 link
Fores, J.R.; Mendez, M.L.M.; Mao, X.; Wagner, D.; Schmutz, M.; Rabineau, M.; Lavalle, P.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2017), Localized Supramolecular Peptide Self-Assembly Directed by Enzyme-Induced Proton Gradients,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,56(50) : 15984-15988 link
Voisin, H.; Aime, C.; Vallee, A.; Bleuzen, A.; Schmutz, M.; Mosser, G.; Coradin, T.; Roux, C. (2017), Preserving the spin transition properties of iron-triazole coordination polymers within silica-based nanocomposites,Journal Of Materials Chemistry C,5(44) : 11542-11550 link
Kluzek, M.; Tyler, A.I.I.; Wang, S.; Chen, R.; Marques, C.M.; Thalmann, F.; Seddon, J.M.; Schmutz, M. (2017), Influence of a pH-sensitive polymer on the structure of monoolein cubosomes,Soft Matter,13(41) : 7571-7577 link
Vigier-Carriere, C.; Wagner, D.; Chaumont, A.; Durr, B.; Lupattelli, P.; Lambour, C.; Schmutz, M.; Hemmerle, J.; Senger, B.; Schaaf, P.; Boulmedais, F.; Jierry, L. (2017), Control of Surface-Localized, Enzyme-Assisted Self-Assembly of Peptides through Catalyzed Oligomerization,Langmuir,33(33) : 8267-8276 link
Attia, M.F.; Dieng, S.M.; Collot, M.; Klymchenko, A.S.; Bouillot, C.; Serra, C.A.; Schmutz, M.; Er-Rafik, M.; Vandamme, T.F.; Anton, N. (2017), Functionalizing Nanoemulsions with Carboxylates: Impact on the Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics in Mice,Macromolecular Bioscience,17(7) : link
Rajdev, P.; Chakraborty, S.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P.; Ghosh, S. (2017), Supramolecularly Engineered pi-Amphiphile,Langmuir,33(19) : 4789-4795 link
Dao, T.P.T.; Brulet, A.; Fernandes, F.; Er-Rafik, M.; Ferji, K.; Schweins, R.; Chapel, J.-P.; Schmutz, M.; Prieto, M.; Sandre, O.; Le Meins, J.-F. (2017), Mixing Block Copolymers with Phospholipids at the Nanoscale: From Hybrid Polymer/Lipid Wormlike Micelles to Vesicles Presenting Lipid Nanodomains,Langmuir,33(7) : 1705-1715 link
Peixoto, P.D.S.; Silva, J.V.C.; Laurent, G.; Schmutz, M.; Thomas, D.; Bouchoux, A.; Gesan-Guiziou, G. (2017), How High Concentrations of Proteins Stabilize the Amorphous State of Calcium Orthophosphate: A Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Study of the Casein Case,Langmuir,33(5) : 1256-1264 link
Yu, W.; Serra, C.A.; Khan, I.U.; Er-Rafik, M.; Schmutz, M.; Kraus, I.; Ding, S.; Zhang, L.; Bouquey, M.; Muller, R. (2017), Development of an Elongational-Flow Microprocess for the Production of Size-Controlled Nanoemulsions: Application to the Preparation of Monodispersed Polymer Nanoparticles and Composite Polymeric Microparticles,Macromolecular Reaction Engineering,11(1, S1) : link
Unsal, H.; Onbulak, S.; Calik, F.; Er-Rafik, M.; Schmutz, M.; Sanyal, A.; Rzayev, J. (2017), Interplay between Molecular Packing, Drug Loading, and Core Cross-Linking in Bottlebrush Copolymer Micelles,Macromolecules,50(4) : 1342-1352 link
Kluzek, M.; Thalmann, F.; Schmutz, M.; Marques, C. (2017), Ring and Tails: Exploring the Intimacy of Cyclodextrin - Membrane Interactions,Biophysical Journal,112(3, 1) : 223 link
Sheiko, N.; Kekicheff, P.; Marie, P.; Schmutz, M.; Jacomine, L.; Perrin-Schmitt, F. (2016), PEEK (polyether-ether-ketone)-coated nitinol wire: Film stability for biocompatibility applications,Applied Surface Science,389() : 651-665 link
Gazzera, L.; Milani, R.; Pirrie, L.; Schmutz, M.; Blanck, C.; Resnati, G.; Metrangolo, P.; Krafft, M.P. (2016), Design of Highly Stable Echogenic Microbubbles through Controlled Assembly of Their Hydrophobin Shell,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,55(35) : 10263-10267 link
Jasinski, F.; Rannee, A.; Schweitzer, J.; Fischer, D.; Lobry, E.; Croutxe-Barghorn, C.; Schmutz, M.; Le Nouen, D.; Criqui, A.; Chemtob, A. (2016), Thiol-Ene Linear Step-Growth Photopolymerization in Miniemulsion: Fast Rates, Redox-Responsive Particles, and Semicrystalline Films,Macromolecules,49(4) : 1143-1153 link
Khan, I.U.; Serra, C.A.; Anton, N.; Er-Rafik, M.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Kraus, I.; Messaddeq, N.; Sutter, C.; Anton, H.; Klymchenko, A.S.; Vandamme, T.F. (2015), Microfluidic conceived Trojan microcarriers for oral delivery of nanoparticles,International Journal Of Pharmaceutics,493(1-2) : 7-15 link
Khan, A.N.; Schmutz, M.; Lacava, J.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Nguyen, T.-T.-T.; Mesini, P.J.; Guenet, J.-M. (2015), Design of Nanohybrid Systems from a Partially Fluorinated Organogelator and Syndiotactic Polystyrene Thermoreversible Gel,Langmuir,31(27) : 7666-7672 link
Gireanu, M.; Casula, G.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Contal, C.; Kayunkid, N.; Cosseddu, P.; Bonfiglio, A.; Ersen, O.; Brinkrnann, M. (2015), Controlling the Growth of Silver Nanoparticles on Thin Films of an n-Type Molecular Semiconductor,Journal Of Physical Chemistry C,119(23) : 13115-13123 link
Dao, T.P.T.; Fernandes, F.; Er-Rafik, M.; Salva, R.; Schmutz, M.; Brulet, A.; Prieto, M.; Sandre, O.; Le Meins, J.-F. (2015), Phase Separation and Nanodomain Formation in Hybrid Polymer/Lipid Vesicles,Acs Macro Letters,4(2) : 182-186 link
Mondal, T.; Basak, D.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P.; Ghosh, S. (2015), Extended supramolecular organization of pi-systems using yet unexplored simultaneous intra- and inter-molecular H-bonding motifs of 1,3-dihydroxy derivatives,Chemical Communications,51(24) : 5040-5043 link
Arranja, A.; Schroder, A.P.; Schmutz, M.; Waton, G.; Schosseler, F.; Mendes, E. (2014), Cytotoxicity and internalization of Pluronic micelles stabilized by core cross-linking,Journal Of Controlled Release,196() : 87-95 link
Rayan, G.; Adrien, V.; Reffay, M.; Picard, M.; Ducruix, A.; Schmutz, M.; Urbach, W.; Taulier, N. (2014), Surfactant Bilayers Maintain Transmembrane Protein Activity,Biophysical Journal,107(5) : 1129-1135 link
Soliwoda, K.; Tomaszewska, E.; Tkacz-Szczesna, B.; Mackiewicz, E.; Rosowski, M.; Bald, A.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Novak, J.; Schreiber, F.; Celichowski, G.; Grobelny, J. (2014), Effect of the Alkyl Chain Length of Secondary Amines on the Phase Transfer of Gold Nanoparticles from Water to Toluene,Langmuir,30(23) : 6684-6693 link
Kraus, I.; Li, S.; Knauer, A.; Schmutz, M.; Faerber, J.; Serra, C.A.; Kohler, M. (2014), Continuous-Microflow Synthesis and Morphological Characterization of Multiscale Composite Materials Based on Polymer Microparticles and Inorganic Nanoparticles,Journal Of Flow Chemistry,4(2) : 72-78 link
Fenyves, R.; Schmutz, M.; Horner, I.J.; Bright, F.V.; Rzayev, J. (2014), Aqueous Self-Assembly of Giant Bottlebrush Block Copolymer Surfactants as Shape-Tunable Building Blocks,Journal Of The American Chemical Society,136(21) : 7762-7770 link
Chumachenko, V.; Kutsevol, N.; Rawiso, M.; Schmutz, M.; Blanck, C. (2014), In situ formation of silver nanoparticles in linear and branched polyelectrolyte matrices using various reducing agents,Nanoscale Research Letters,9() : link
Khan, A.N.; Nguyen, T.-T.-T.; Dobircau, L.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P.J.; Guenet, J.-M. (2013), Investigation of the Interactions Involved in the Formation of Nanotubes from Organogelators,Langmuir,29(52) : 16127-16134 link
Salva, R.; Le Meins, J.-F.; Sandre, O.; Brulet, A.; Schmutz, M.; Guenoun, P.; Lecommandoux, S. (2013), Polymersome Shape Transformation at the Nanoscale,Acs Nano,7(10) : 9298-9311 link
Serra, C.A.; Khan, I.U.; Chang, Z.Q.; Bouquey, M.; Muller, R.; Kraus, I.; Schmutz, M.; Vandamme, T.; Anton, N.; Ohm, C.; Zentel, R.; Knauer, A.; Koehler, M. (2013), Engineering Polymer Microparticles by Droplet Microfluidics,Journal Of Flow Chemistry,3(3) : 66-75 link
Simon, F.-X.; Nguyen, T.T.T.; Diaz, N.; Schmutz, M.; Deme, B.; Jestin, J.; Combet, J.; Mesini, P.J. (2013), Self-assembling properties of a series of homologous ester-diamides - from ribbons to nanotubes,Soft Matter,9(35) : 8483-8493 link
Melin, F.; Meyer, T.; Lankiang, S.; Choi, S.K.; Gennis, R.B.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Hellwig, P. (2013), Direct electrochemistry of cytochrome bo(3) oxidase at a series of gold nanoparticles-modified electrodes,Electrochemistry Communications,26() : 105-108 link
Peixoto, P.D.S.; Deniset-Besseau, A.; Schmutz, M.; Anglo, A.; Illoul, C.; Schanne-Klein, M.-C.; Mosser, G. (2013), Achievement of cornea-like organizations in dense collagen I solutions: clues to the physico-chemistry of cornea morphogenesis,Soft Matter,9(47) : 11241-11248 link
Franco, I.E.; Lorchat, P.; Lamps, J.-P.; Schmutz, M.; Schroeder, A.; Catala, J.-M.; Combet, J.; Schosseler, F. (2012), From Chain Collapse to New Structures: Spectroscopic Properties of Poly(3-thiophene acetic acid) upon Binding by Alkyl Trimethylammonium Bromide Surfactants,Langmuir,28(10) : 4815-4828 link
Nguyen, T.-T.-T.; Simon, F.-X.; Khan, N.A.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P.J. (2012), Formation of reactive aerogels and their reactivity in aqueous media. Wettability induces hydrophobic vs. hydrophilic selectivity,Journal Of Materials Chemistry,22(16) : 7712-7714 link
Henry, E.; Dif, A.; Schmutz, M.; Legoff, L.; Amblard, F.; Marchi-Artzner, V.; Artzner, F. (2011), Crystallization of Fluorescent Quantum Dots within a Three-Dimensional Bio-Organic Template of Actin Filaments and Lipid Membranes,Nano Letters,11(12) : 5443-5448 link
Perino, A.; Schmutz, M.; Meunier, S.; Mesini, P.J.; Wagner, A. (2011), Self-Assembled Nanotubes and Helical Tapes from Diacetylene Nonionic Amphiphiles. Structural Studies before and after Polymerization,Langmuir,27(19) : 12149-12155 link
Meyer, T.; Gross, J.; Blanck, C.; Schmutz, M.; Ludwig, B.; Hellwig, P.; Melin, F. (2011), Electrochemistry of Cytochrome c(1), Cytochrome c(552), and Cu-A from the Respiratory Chain of Thermus thermophilus Immobilized on Gold Nanoparticles,Journal Of Physical Chemistry B,115(21) : 7165-7170 link
Nguyen, T.-T.-T.; Simon, F.-X.; Combet, J.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P.J. (2011), Modification of self-assembled nanotubes by click chemistry generates new nanotubes by an out-of equilibrium process,Soft Matter,7(3) : 1121-1128 link
Folmer-Andersen, J.F.; Buhler, E.; Candau, S.-J.; Joulie, S.; Schmutz, M.; Lehn, J.-M. (2010), Cooperative, bottom-up generation of rigid-rod nanostructures through dynamic polymer chemistry,Polymer International,59(11, Si) : 1477-1491 link
Chivrac, F.; Pollet, E.; Schmutz, M.; Averous, L. (2010), Starch nano-biocomposites based on needle-like sepiolite clays,Carbohydrate Polymers,80(1) : 145-153 link
Carn, F.; Durupthy, O.; Fayolle, B.; Coradin, T.; Mosser, G.; Schmutz, M.; Maquet, J.; Livage, J.; Steunou, N. (2010), Assembling Vanadium(V) Oxide and Gelatin into Novel Bionanocomposites with Unexpected Rubber-like Properties,Chemistry Of Materials,22(2) : 398-408 link
Nguyen, T.-T.-T.; Simon, F.-X.; Khelfallah, N.S.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P.J. (2010), Mesoporous polymeric catalysts synthesized from self-assembled organic nanotubes as templates,Journal Of Materials Chemistry,20(19) : 3831-3833 link
Thierry, A.R.; Norris, V.; Molina, F.; Schmutz, M. (2009), Lipoplex nanostructures reveal a general self-organization of nucleic acids,Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects,1790(5) : 385-394 link
Nguyen, T.-T.-T.; Simon, F.-X.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P.J. (2009), Direct functionalization of self-assembled nanotubes overcomes unfavorable self-assembling processes,Chemical Communications,(23) : 3457-3459 link
Simon, F.-X.; Nguyen, T.-T.-T.; Schmutz, M.; Decher, G.; Nicoud, J.-F.; Mesini, P.J. (2009), Nitrochalcones as organogelators: evidence of the involvement of nitro groups and solvent in gel formation,New Journal Of Chemistry,33(10) : 2028-2033 link
Chivrac, F.; Pollett, E.; Schmutz, M.; Averous, L. (2008), New approach to elaborate exfoliated starch-based nanobiocomposites,Biomacromolecules,9(3) : 896-900 link
Bardelang, D.; Camerel, F.; Margeson, J.C.; Leek, D.M.; Schmutz, M.; Zaman, M.B.; Yu, K.; Soldatov, D.V.; Ziessel, R.; Ratcliffe, C.I.; Ripmeester, J.A. (2008), Unusual sculpting of dipeptide particles by ultrasound induces gelation,Journal Of The American Chemical Society,130(11) : 3313 link
Petitjean, A.; Cuccia, L.A.; Schmutz, M.; Lehn, J.-M. (2008), Naphthyridine-based helical foldamers and macrocycles: Synthesis, cation binding, and supramolecular assemblies,Journal Of Organic Chemistry,73(7) : 2481-2495 link
Dif, A.; Henry, E.; Artzner, F.; Baudy-Floc’h, M.; Schmutz, M.; Dahan, M.; Marchi-Artzner, V. (2008), Interaction between water-soluble peptidic CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals and membranes: Formation of hybrid vesicles and condensed lamellar phases,Journal Of The American Chemical Society,130(26) : 8289-8296 link
Simon, F.-X.; Khelfallah, N.S.; Schmutz, M.; Diaz, N.; Mesini, P.J. (2007), Formation of helical mesopores in organic polymer matrices,Journal Of The American Chemical Society,129(13) : 3788 link
Gonzalez-Perez, A.; Schmutz, M.; Waton, G.; Romero, M.J.; Krafft, M.P. (2007), Isolated fluid polyhedral vesicles,Journal Of The American Chemical Society,129(4) : 756-757 link
Camerel, F.; Ziessel, R.; Donnio, B.; Bourgogne, C.; Guillon, D.; Schmutz, M.; Iacovita, C.; Bucher, J.-P. (2007), Formation of gels and liquid crystals induced by Pt center dot center dot center dot Pt and pi-pi interactions in luminescent sigma-alkynyl platinum(II) terpyridine complexes,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,46(15) : 2659-2662 link
Thiot, C.; Schmutz, M.; Wagner, A.; Mioskowski, C. (2007), A one-pot synthesis of (E)-disubstituted alkenes by a bimetallic [Rh-Pd]-catalyzed hydrosilylation/hiyama cross-coupling sequence,Chemistry-A European Journal,13(32) : 8971-8978 link
Bardelang, D.; Camerel, F.; Hotze, A.C.G.; Kariuki, B.; Paik, B.; Schmutz, M.; Ziessel, R.; Hannon, M.J. (2007), Sodium chains as core nanowires for gelation of organic solvents from a functionalized nicotinic acid and its sodium salt,Chemistry-A European Journal,13(33) : 9277-9285 link
Sarazin, D.; Schmutz, M.; Guenet, J.-M.; Petitjean, A.; Lehn, J.M. (2007), Structure of supramolecular polymers generated via self-assembly through hydrogen bonds,Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals,468() : 539-553 link
Camerel, F.; Donnio, B.; Bourgogne, C.; Schmutz, M.; Guillon, D.; Davidson, P.; Ziessel, R. (2006), Tuning the thermotropic and lyotropic properties of liquid-crystalline terpyridine ligands,Chemistry-A European Journal,12(16) : 4261-4274 link
Camerel, F.; Bonardi, L.; Schmutz, M.; Ziessel, R. (2006), Highly luminescent gels and mesogens based on elaborated borondipyrromethenes,Journal Of The American Chemical Society,128(14) : 4548-4549 link
Thiot, C.; Schmutz, M.; Wagner, A.; Mioskowski, C. (2006), Polyionic gels: Efficient heterogeneous media for metal scavenging and catalysis,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,45(18) : 2868-2871 link
Gotoh, M.; Miki, A.; Nagano, H.; Ribeiro, N.; Elhabiri, M.; Gurnienna-Kontecka, E.; Albrecht-Gary, A.M.; Schmutz, M.; Ourisson, G.; Nakatani, Y. (2006), Membrane properties of branched polyprenyl phosphates, postulated as primitive membrane constituents,Chemistry & Biodiversity,3(4) : 434-455 link
Diaz, N.; Simon, F.-X.; Schmutz, M.; Mesini, P. (2006), Self-assembled nanotubes in organic solvents,Macromolecular Symposia,241() : 68-74 link
Malik, S.; Rochas, C.; Schmutz, M.; Guenet, J.M. (2005), Syndiotactic polystyrene intercalates from naphthalene derivatives,Macromolecules,38(14) : 6024-6030 link
Gomez, E.D.; Rappl, T.J.; Agarwal, V.; Bose, A.; Schmutz, M.; Marques, C.M.; Balsara, N.P. (2005), Platelet self-assembly of an amphiphilic A-B-C-A tetrablock copolymer in pure water,Macromolecules,38(9) : 3567-3570 link
Ikeda, M.; Nobori, T.; Schmutz, M.; Lehn, J.M. (2005), Hierarchical self-assembly of a bow-shaped molecule bearing self-complementary hydrogen bonding sites into extended supramolecular assemblies,Chemistry-A European Journal,11(2) : 662-668 link
Diaz, N.; Simon, F.X.; Schmutz, M.; Rawiso, M.; Decher, G.; Jestin, J.; Mesini, P.J. (2005), Self-assembled diamide nanotubes in organic solvents,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,44(21) : 3260-3264 link
D’Aleo, A.; Pozzo, J.L.; Fages, F.; Schmutz, M.; Mieden-Gundert, G.; Vogtle, F.; Caplar, V.; Zinic, M. (2004), 11-Aminoundecanoic acid: a versatile unit for the generation of low molecular weight gelators for water and organic solvents,Chemical Communications,(2) : 190-191 link
Schmutz, M.; Michels, B.; Marie, P.; Krafft, M.P. (2003), Fluorinated vesicles made from combinations of phospholipids and semifluorinated alkanes. Direct experimental evidence of the location of the semifluorinated alkane within the bilayer,Langmuir,19(12) : 4889-4894 link
Schmidt, R.; Adam, F.B.; Michel, M.; Schmutz, M.; Decher, G.; Mesini, P.J. (2003), New bisamides gelators: relationship between chemical structure and fiber morphology,Tetrahedron Letters,44(15) : 3171-3174 link
Schmidt, R.; Schmutz, M.; Mathis, A.; Decher, G.; Rawiso, M.; Mesini, P.J. (2002), New synthetic oligoamide gelators: Structural study by X-ray and neutron scattering,Langmuir,18(19) : 7167-7173 link
Cuccia, L.A.; Ruiz, E.; Lehn, J.M.; Homo, J.C.; Schmutz, M. (2002), Helical self-organization and hierarchical self-assembly of an oligoheterocyclic pyridine-pyridazine strand into extended supramolecular fibers,Chemistry-A European Journal,8(15) : 3448-34573.0.CO;2-\#> link
Schmidt, R.; Schmutz, M.; Michel, M.; Decher, G.; Mesini, P.J. (2002), Organogelation properties of a series of oligoamides,Langmuir,18(15) : 5668-5672 link
Krafft, M.P.; Schieldknecht, L.; Marie, P.; Giulieri, F.; Schmutz, M.; Poulain, N.; Nakache, E. (2001), Fluorinated vesicles allow intrabilayer polymerization of a hydrophobic monomer, yielding polymerized microcapsules,Langmuir,17(9) : 2872-2877 link